
Welcome to the glitch art generator site.

This is a work in progress.

What is Glitch Art?

Glitch art, data bending, and data moshing are all forms of introducing visually interesting artifacts to images.

Glitch art in particular focuses on corrupted images, seemingly broken images, and ordered disorder.

This glitch art generator seeks to create glitchy effects using image processing.

Who Made This Site?

AnT made this site and can be contacted at:

Why Make A Glitch Art Generator Site?

I've had data moshing as an off-and-on hobby for years. It's therefore a natural playground for practising coding with. In the process of building this site I've learned several useful technologies and skills.

It's also worthwhile to spread the charm of photo moshing and glitch art. I therefore wanted to make simple glitching techniques more accessible to newcomers with this website.

How Does This Glitch Generator Work?

Images are uploaded to our backend to be processed using custom written image processing filters.

Data retention removes the images after at most 2 days.

The image filters are implemented in Python using Pillow and numpy. The task queue system is Celery. The images are stored in an S3-compatible bucket. The web server is Django.

The generator front-end JavaScript is made with Svelte 3. Bootstrap 5 powers the site theme, with a Bootswatch theme.

Gallery of Glitch Art and Data Moshing

A glitched photo of a mountainside road, heavily corrupted with RGB lines.
A glitched photo of a wind turbine.
A glitched photo of umbrellas over a street.