Quick Summary of Making Glitch Art With This Website

Upload your image by clicking "Upload Image" or dragging and dropping an image onto the page.

Select a filter to apply to the image, and add new filters as desired.

Press the "Glitch It!" button and wait for the image to upload and be processed by the backend.

Full Guide On Data Moshing With This Site

Images can be uploaded via the "Upload Image" button or by drag and dropping on the page. The original image you uploaded can be restored using the "Undo Glitches" button.

Each glitch processing task is composed of one or several filters to apply to the image, with configurable settings such as horizontal or vertical application. Filters are listed below the canvas and glitch/upload/undo buttons, and can be collapsed to hide their configuration. New filters can be added with the "Add a Filter" button.

There is a maximum limit to how many filters can be applied at once. Unset filters are ignored by processing, but count against this limit.

Once the "Glitch It!" button is pressed, the file is uploaded to the backend. The "Glitch It!" button is disabled during the upload and processing cycle, and will be reactivated once the polling times out or the glitched image is downloaded. Image processing may take up to a minute, and if too many filters take too long then the processing task will fail with a timeout of "SoftTimeLimitExceeded".

Note that multiple visitors in the processing queue can slow down getting your results.

You may then apply more filters to a glitched image, copy or save the image from the canvas by right clicking it (desktop) or clicking the "Download Image" button (mobile/desktop), or undo the glitches to restore the original image.

What If There Is No Interface?

This can be for a variety of reasons, most likely either javascript is disabled or the generator script encountered a bug. If there are error messages in the browser debug console, feel free to send them to AnT at the address listed on the about page.